
importance of key words

It is the most important factor for on page SEO. It increases CTR (click through rate) also. It is very difficult to get higher search engine rankings without adding your targeted keywords to your web page title. Select one or two targeted keywords for each page of your website and put these keywords in page title. Also make sure that content of the page has relevant material to those keywords. If you put your most targeted keyword in the beginning of the title; there are more chances to get into the top of search engines. All the search engines take title of web pages very seriously. If you have an established website and you add a new section to it then by adding information about that section to the title; you will get quick search engine ranking.

Example: if you want to target the keyword “Antivirus”; you could have following choices:-

1. Yoursitename: antivirus solution to your pc.
2. Antivirus solution for your pc.
3. PC antivirus solution by yoursitename

Above we have three examples of site title; guess which one is best for your search engine rankings. All the examples contain your targeted keyword “Antivirus”. Here I will recommend you to use the second one because it is simple and starts with your targeted keyword.

Please avoid the following titles:
1. Index
2. Main page
3. Untitled page, etc.

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