
how to increase web traffic

Submit your blog in blog directories and the RSS feed in RSS directories respectively.
It will be fruitful if you use the Ping-O-Matic service. Enter your blog name and its URL and select the directories according to choice. Any updates in your blog are automatically updated in the directories. The web visitors in these directories will able to access your contents.
While designing your blog it necessary to make an email subscription button and form. This proves to be very user friendly.
Try to comment on other blogs. This will introduce your blog in the blogger community.
List your favorite blogs in the blog rolls. You must also try to list your blog in other blogs.
It is highly important to add your blog’s URL to your email signature and any profiles other social networking sites. This will also introduce your blog in the web community.
It is essential to use Digg, Stumble and other social bookmarking sites for your blog. Once you send a post in the aggregators, it will reach millions in no time.
Write on related topics. Post related topics in a row. This helps in stirring up the interest of the web visitors.
Show the topmost posts in the your blog which received great popularity. This will bear evidence of your blog’s authenticity and significance.
It is mandatory to add “previous” and “next” post buttons. This helps the user to quickly and easily navigate through the web pages.
Try to build up inbound links in your blog. This will help the web visitors to access other important pages in your blog and thus enhance traffic flow.
It is important to that you must claim the blog at Technorati, which gives ranking to blogs according to number of incoming links and rankings by Alexa Toolbar.
Rework on the post. Try to check out every detail in your post and make it exciting.
Use photos in your post.

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Hey just comment do not spam