
meta search engines

here are some of tke meta search engine to submit your blogs and sites
Copernic - client software that searches multiple engines and directories, removes duplicates and dead links, highlights search terms in your results, and offers a variety of search and retrieval options
Don Busca - searches the Web, blogs, news and software and offers a variety of options with each result including concept clusters, a visual thumbnail of the site, a cached version, a link to the site archive in the Wayback Machine, site info from a variety of sources and various bookmark management options
Dogpile - search 20+ search engines and retrieve results by relevance or separate source engine; also presents concept clusters for viewing results organized by keywords or topics
Fasteagle - Recommended! Offers searches of many types of Web sites, including the deep Web and the social Web
Fazzle - searches several search services on the Web, and also offers specialty searches of downloads, images, video and other topics on the deep Web
Findelio - searches a handful of popular engines and includes a list of related searches along with each set of results
FindForward - searches multiple sources and offers numerous search options including chat search, tags, wildcard and grow word search
iBoogie - offers searches of the Web and multimedia, and supplies real-time concept clustering of results
InfoGrid - offers meta and news searching; portal interface also features the Open Directory, topical InfoGrids, with additional customization of topics available in a free download
Intelways - offers a search of multiple search engines, content providers and media types with access to results sets from the individual sources
Ixquick - ranks results based on top ten rankings from the source sites; allows any type of search syntax and will translate and direct your search accordingly
Kartoo - categorizes content into relevant concepts and sites and displays results on a graphical map; requires Flash or offers an HTML version
Keotag - type a keyword or phrase and retrieve results from the past 30 days of blog postings from numerous blog aggregators; you can subscribe to an RSS feed to track this search
KillerInfo - retrieves information from the general Web and various topic-specific sources and organizes results into concept clusters based on Vivisimo's technology
Mamma - retrieve results in relevancy ranked order; power search offers a user-friendly template for building a query
MetaCrawler - retrieve results in relevancy ranked order; useful power search available with a template of search options
metaEUREKA - sorts results by relevancy and offers a "Site info" link that returns information on the server, date last modified, size, and descriptive information if available; also links to site history via the Wayback Machine and popularity ratings from Alexa
Mnemomap - provides results in a graphical format that provides search refinements and draws results from Yahoo!, Flickr and YouTube
Monster Crawler - simultaneously searches Google, Yahoo!, LiveSearch and Askera
Mooter - meta engine that presents initial search results in graphical format and organizes results into concept clusters
Pandia Search Central - searches multiple engines and directories and also offers searches of news, books, music, videos and other specialty databases; includes a searchable version of the Open Directory
Slurk - searches Google, Yahoo and MSN, and gives keyword search suggestions and immediate results as you type
Sproose - allows users to comment on and vote on its search results
SurfWax - offers options to see a quick view of sites in the search results list to determine relevancy and choose alternative search terms for a subsequent search from a thesaurus; offers personalization options; offers SurfWax LookAhead with "Dynamic Search Navigation" that retrieves results from RSS feeds as you type various kinds of queries
Trexy - tracks "trails" of the Web pages visited and therefore valued by other searchers; users can Add Engine to extend the range of the search engines that Trexy uses
URL.com - returns the top ten results from Google, Yahoo! and MSN, and allows users to comment on and vote on the results
Virtual Learning Resources Center - searches several high quality directories; also offers its own directory
WhoNu - semantic tool that searches a large number of resource types, including deep Web sources, and suggests alterate topics
Yooci - metasearch tool that retrieves no more than 250 results for any search
ZapMeta - organizes results by relevance, popularity, title, source or domain, allows users to set preferences, and features a useful advanced search interface
Zuula - searches the Web, images, news, blogs and jobs postings, and returns results from multiple search tools in configurable separate tabs

1 comment:

  1. ultimate metasearch tool in the works. see isen.org


Hey just comment do not spam