In order of a blog to generate income, you must develop a strong strategy for monetizing it. There are several different venues which you can employ to monetize your blog:
- AdSense
- Advertising space for banner ads
- Donations
- Affiliate programs
- Paid third-party product reviews / pushes
- Selling your own services or products
Deciding on what monetizing strategy you employ depends upon the goals for your blog and its target audience. Each target audience will respond differently to your different monetizing strategies; for example, a humanitarian blog audience may be more receptive to donations, while a cooking blog audience would click through your banner ads for an organic recipe cookbook. You should develop an initial strategy, keeping your targeted audience's psychology in mind. The design and layout of your blog should reflect your monetizing strategy; for example, if you will be employing AdSense, then you may want to use a column layout with clean colors and lines. You want to ensure that your monetizing efforts are optimized in the layout of your website. As you progress with your blog, do not be afraid to test the water and adjust your monetizing strategies based upon feedback and performance results.
© mobmani
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Hey just comment do not spam